Pia Pospischil, Supervision No. 5, 2025, Video still, Courtesy the artist
Whisper Down the Lane–
Pia Pospischil
Pia Pospischil is the fourth artist in the Whisper Down the Lane exhibition series, in the context of which she presents her new video installation Supervision No. 5 (2025) in the foyer of the Kunsthaus Hamburg. Interpersonal relationships, everyday procedures and routines are often at the centre of her multimedia practice. Her work, developed especially for the format, consists of a monitor framed by semi-transparent curtains, on which a silent scene between three people of different ages is taking place. The setting is a classically furnished restaurant, presumably a family-run establishment. The artist takes this place, which oscillates between private and public, as the starting point for a subtle commentary on smouldering generational conflicts, the conscious and unconscious passing on of relationship patterns and the hope of overcoming them.
In the experimental and communicative exhibition format Whisper Down the Lane, the roles and functions of hosting and being hosted become fluid: in line with the eponymous children’s game, the exhibiting artists themselves choose the next person. With the project, the Kunsthaus transfers part of the curatorial responsibility to the artists themselves, with the aim of creating alternative institutional modes of access and rendering local network structures visible both in terms of personal ties and with regard to artistic approaches. So far, works by Jaewon Kim, Fritz Lehmann and Altay Tuz have been shown as part of Whisper Down the Lane.
Pia Pospischil (*1995 in Frankfurt am Main, DE) studies sculpture at the HFBK Hamburg and previously stage and costume design at the ABK Stuttgart and the MKE Budapest. Her works have been shown at Schweizer 5, Frankfurt am Main (2024), Kunstverein Wagenhalle, Stuttgart (2023), Ladøns Gallery, Hamburg (2023), Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin (2022) and Kulturbunker, Stuttgart (2018), among others. She lives and works in Hamburg.
Thursday, 6.2.2025, 6–10 pm
in the context of Panorama X with Gebrochene Beine & avavava