photo 1: Maik Gräf | photo 2: Philipp Schewe | photo 3: Daniel Fortmann
Experimental music and performance
9 – 11 July 2021
Together with numerous Hamburg artists, Kunsthaus Hamburg presents the three-day program Stages from 9 – 11 July. The large exhibition hall at Kunsthaus Hamburg is going to provide space for life performance, spatial installation and experimental music. The cross-genre weekend connects international guests from music, art, dance and choreography with local actors and creates a diverse interdisciplinary space of experience.
Saturday, 10 July 2021, 9 pm
Concert with Michela Pelusio (Light/Sound Object; IT), Hacklander / Hatam (Drums, Light Installation; GER), Ioana Vreme Moser (DIY Modular Synth, Objects, Performance; GER) und Pierre Bastien (Perpetual Sound Machines, Electronics, Trumpet; FR)
Tickets: 66 / 44 € (Prior ticket booking + a negative corona test or vaccination certificate is mandatory)
In recent years, the musical event series 4fakultät became an internationally recognized hub for experimental jazz, electronics, ambient and noise.
For the first time in cooperation with Kunsthaus Hamburg, 4 fakultät presents the 18th edition of their renowned concert series. The multimedia set-up of interactive light installation, experimental design of instruments and rich sound performances is designed as a cross-stylistic improvisation. Four international artists have been invited to transform the exhibition space at Kunsthaus Hamburg into a spherical scenario.
The trio Konstantin Bessonov, Mark Matthes and Simon Roessler brings together artists who are interested in a dialogue with others in order to reposition their own music. 4fakultät is a concert series for cross genre improvisation. It is based on a mathematically designed musical score: Four acts of various artistic backgrounds play two sets of their own. These separate sets intersect. All four musicians improvise in a rotating order creating a continuous concert with no breaks or stops.
Further events in the context of Stages
Friday, 9 July 2021, 6–9 pm
Détournement viral
Multimedia installation by and with Véronique Langlott (Dance), Katrin Bethge (Light projection) and Helena Ratka (Sound)
Sunday, 11 July 2021, 5 – 6 pm followed by artist talk
Performing Females presents: FEMALE BUDDIES
Performative installation by and with Katharina Oberlik, Paulina Pomana, Trinidad Martinez, Alyssa Warncke, Hille Nestler, Viola Heeß, Lia Bilinski, Fabia Mekus
Kindly supported by NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz, der Hamburgischen Kulturstiftung, der Claussen Simon Stiftung, der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg und der Altonale.