Satellite programme

in the context of Eccentric 80s: Tabea Blumenschein, Hilka Nordhausen, Rabe perplexum, and Contemporary Accomplices

Buch Handlung Welt (1976–1983), Marktstraße 12, n.d., photo: Michael Kellner © Michael Kellner

Satellite programme: Nukleus Karoviertel 
28 April – 5 May 2023 

Free admission. 

Buch Handlung Welt war für mich die Konsequenz aus allem, was ich vorher im künstlerischen Bereich und Schreiben gemacht habe, verknüpft mit meinen Erfahrungen der Studentenbewegung und meinem Anspruch auf Avantgarde.

–  Hilka Nordhausen 1990

Nukleus Karoviertel accompanies the exhibition at Kunsthaus Hamburg (25 March – 21 May 2023)  with a series of events at Karoviertel. It was initiated by Hilka Nordhausen’s contemporary witnesses, Birger Bustorff, Heilwig Jacob, Michael Kellner and Angela Rüpke. From 28 April – 5 May they offer many events at art space Farbwerke M6 at Markstrasse 6 and in Karoviertel itself. Find more on 

Starting point for all events is Farbwerke M6 

Friday, 28 April, 7 pm 
Das Zimmer des Dichters 
Atmospheric lecture with Dr. Thomas Piesbergen

Saturday, 29 April, 3 pm 
Guided tour through the district Karoviertel 
with Maren Goldenbaum-Henkel
Followed by (6 pm): Surprise-Event  

Sunday, 30 April, 6 pm
Location Karolinenviertel – Clips from the 1950-90s, found and mixed by and with Christoph Rauch.
From 4 pm on: Chill Out Revival: Flying Tea Pot

Monday, 1 May 2023, 6 pm 
Wir lassen uns das Singen nicht verbieten (85min. 1975/1985)
Film by Tillmann Scholl. With Mac (former owner of Marktstuben) and friends. 

Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 7 pm  
Hilka Nordhausen als Autorin
Eckhard Rhode and Michael Kellner in conversation 

Wednesday, 3 May 2023, 3 pm  
denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun sollen (10min, 1978)
Squatting, Punk and Art – Klaus Maeck shows his film

Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2023, 17 Uhr 
Guided tour through the district Karoviertel 
with Maren Goldenbaum-Henkel
Followed by (7 pm): Snacks & Drinks 

Friday, 5 May 2023, 6 pm
Finissage with Faber Sekt, Kemm’schen cake
and music by Kushan Glückmann (git., ex. Buschband)

Eccentric 80s: Tabea Blumenschein, Hilka Nordhausen, Rabe perplexum, and Contemporary Accomplices (25 March–21 May 2023)

Tabea Blumenschein (1952–2020), Hilka Nordhausen (1949–1993), and Rabe perplexum (1956–1996) acted ex-centrically in several senses: outside the centre of attention, deviating from social norms and often also from institutionalised art. The results of their productions – performances, readings, films, concerts or murals – were sometimes fleeting, ephemeral and thus less marketable at the time. Blumenschein, Nordhausen and perplexum worked in the cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Munich. At the time, they represented non-recognised gender and identity images and lived sexual orientations non-conformably. Their work transcended the narrow boundaries of genres and modes of expression: Hilka Nordhausen, for example, founded the off-space Buch Handlung Welt, which was a bookshop, art space and social contact zone. Tabea Blumenschein worked as a performer, designed costumes for film and theatre, and left behind a body of drawings and paintings. Rabe perplexum realised performances and actions in public space in collaboration with friends and confidants, painted and was one of the early digital video artists. 

The contemporary artists Ergül Cengiz (*1975) (3 Hamburger Frauen), Philipp Gufler (*1989) and Angela Stiegler (*1987) question the positions of the 1980s from today’s perspective. Their structurally buried work will be activated on the basis of archive material, exchange with companions and their own artworks: Together with the art historians Burcu Dogramaci and Mareike Schwarz, an exhibition project is being created in which artistic and art-historically situated knowledge is combined. In this way, the three positions from the 1980s are made accessible for new perspectives of reception, both in relation to each other and to the contemporary artworks.


11/05 2023, 20 Uhr / 8 pm
Catalogue presentation with reading and prior guided tour (7 pm) 

Kunsthaus Hamburg 

20/05 2023, 18 Uhr / 6 pm
Screening & Talk 
Zagarbata by Tabea Blumenschein with Angela Stiegler & Monika Treut
B-Movie, Brigittenstr. 5

In April and May Metropolis Cinema shows films by Věra Chytilová, David Larcher, Klaus Maeck, Ulrike Ottinger and Uwe Schrader. Details on

Guided tours at Kunsthaus Hamburg 
30/04 2023, 3 pm
3/05 2023, 6 pm
11/05 2023, 7 pm 

Exhibition and catalogue are supported by: Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, das Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München, das Bundesprogramm “Neustart Kultur” der Stiftung Kunstfonds sowie die Spartenoffene Förderung und die bezirklichen Förderfonds der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, die Erwin und Gisela von Steiner-Stiftung, die Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse München, die Liebelt-Stiftung Hamburg, das Neustart Kultur-Stipendium der Stiftung Kunstfonds, die Prinzessin Therese von Bayern-Stiftung, die Stiftung IMAI – Inter Media Art Institute, Düsseldorf und den Mondriaan Fund. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Monacensia im Hildebrandhaus.