return codes

An exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg

Captions see below


Monday, 27 January 2020, 7 pm
Speakers: Bianca Müllner
Anne Simone Krüger (Art historian / Free author / Curator)

Chika Aruga, Jared Bartz, Wolfgang Block, Karin Boine, Anne Dingkuhn, Maren Goldenbaum-Henkel und Per Pegelow, Claudia Hoffmann, Frauke Hänke und Claus Kienle, Ute Friederike Jürß, Taru Kallio, Kim Krebeck, Penny Monogiou, Stefan Oppermann, Antje Schönau, Kerstin Stephan, Valerie Wagner, Gabriele Walter

The annual exhibition of the Berufsverband Bildender Künstler*innen (Professional Association of Visual Artists) focuses on the tension between humans and nature. “Return Code” is a term from software development and describes a short feedback from the computer as to whether system errors are present. The started program checks itself and reports any errors. Transferred to the analog world, the exhibition asks for reasons for the increasing inability of humans to critically reflect and react to self-made problems.

Everyone is talking about climate change: severe storms, global warming, extinction of species. A look back shows that industrialisation has led to a rapid development that continues to influence and shape people’s lives to this day. While we are well established on earth, nature is at the limit of its resilience due to man-made environmental catastrophes. The exploitation of the planet and its resources is a condition for the preservation of our life systems. Its regeneration, however, has become a balancing act.

The exhibition RETURN CODES seeks answers on various levels. Some works reflect the powerlessness of the individual who seem to be trapped in a void of solitary perception. Historical retrospectives create a link to the here and now – from the explanation of the world through mystical interpretations to modern science and technology. The artistic contributions raise awareness of the desire to preserve fragile natural systems and lament the loss of exhausted resources.


Lecture: Digitale Wissenskulturen
Prof. Dr. Martin Warnke
Friday, 7th Feburary 2020, 18.30 pm

Lecture and discussion: Extinction Rebellion
Lu Yen Roloff, Dorothee Vogt, Bianca Müllner (Moderation)
Monday, 10 February 2020, 7 pm

Book release: POSITION.
Monday, 24 February 2020, 7 pm

Guided tours:
Thursday, 13 February 2020, 6 pm
Sunday, 16 February 2020, 3 pm

An exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg

Photo 1: Human Empire Studio
Photo 2: RETURN CODES, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2020, Photo: Hayo Heye
Photo 3: RETURN CODES, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2020, Photo: Hayo Heye
Photo 4: RETURN CODES, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2020, Photo: Hayo Heye
Photo 5: RETURN CODES, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2020, Photo: Hayo Heye