Captions see below
Bewerberinnen und Bewerber für das Arbeitsstipendium für bildende Kunst der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg 2020
hosted by Kunsthaus Hamburg
3 December 2019 – 12 January 2020
Opening: Monday, 2 December 2019, 6 pm
Speakers: Dr. Carsten Brosda (Senator der Behörde für Kultur und Medien, Hamburg),
Anna Nowak (Curator, Kunsthaus Hamburg)
Guided tours
Sunday, 15 December 2019, 3 pm
Thursday, 9 January 2020, 6 pm
Closing event
Sunday, 12 January 2020, 3 pm
For the sustainable promotion of visual arts, the Ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg awards ten visual artists from Hamburg a grant each year. This year, 22 nominees are presenting their works in a large-scale exhibition at the Kunsthaus Hamburg. The show provides a current overview of the continuously developing artistic production in the city.
The grants 2020 go to:
David Fletcher, Paul Glaw, Rosanna Graf, Alexandra Hojenski, Clara Palmberger-Süße, Tintin Patrone, Paul Spengemann, Youssef Tabti, Felix Thiele, Carlos León Zambrano
A project of the
Bild 1: Paul Spengemann, There was a Lasershow across the Street from Kunsthaus Hamburg on Dec 2, 2019, Foto: Helge Mundt
Bild 2: NOMINEES, Installationsansicht, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2019, Foto: Hayo Heye
Bild 3: NOMINEES, Installationsansicht, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2019, Foto: Hayo Heye
Bild 4: NOMINEES, Installationsansicht, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2019, Foto: Hayo Heye
Bild 5: NOMINEES, Installationsansicht, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2019, Foto: Hayo Heye
Bild 6: NOMINEES, Installationsansicht, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2019, Detail: Youssef Tabti, Kriegsspiel, 2016, (c) VG-Bildkunst, Bonn 2019, Foto: Hayo Heye