Credits: see below
Opening: 5 February 2018, 7 pm
Introduction: Dr Belinda Grace Gardner
Monday, 12 February, 6 pm
Fair Play – Fair Pay
Prika Streit (artist/ member of Initiative Ausstellungsvergütung) on the necessity of remuneration for exhibitions and the way to its implementation
Guided tours
Thursday, 15 February 2018, 6 pm
Sunday, 25 February 2018, 3 pm
Memento, logistic terminal, role model? The questions related to the topic of the annual exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg (BBK) seem highly topical. This year, more artists than ever participated in the open call and submitted a variety of different approaches. The idea of the six-person jury for the topic of the exhibition has found a considerable echo. They had encouraged the members of the BBK to depict their individual associations with the term mother with artistic means. Thereby, certain cultural fields seem to have salient relevance; among those such that question the principles of nature, examine about life processes, investigate fields of work, or probe gender roles. The 24 selected artists form Hamburg have reflected the term mother on the basis of a whole range of ideas, projections and personal experiences. The works exhibited range from painting to drawing, sculpture, textile art, installation, photography and performance. The exhibition is supposed to give grounds for a comparison with the viewers’ own points of view.
Emine Sahinaz Akalin, Klaus Becker, Gabriele Beitelhoff-Zeger, Wolfgang Block, Susanne Bohse, Kerstin Bruchhäuser, Jacqueline Christiansen, Andrea Cziesso, Susanne Dettmann, Alexandra Ewerth, Monika Hahn, Judith Heinsohn, Roland Helmus, Carmen Hillers, Ute Friederike Jürß, Ralf Jurszo, Jutta Konjer, Christiane Lüdtke, Hanna Malzahn, Stefanie Ritter, Olympia Sprenger, Adriane Steckhan, Kerstin Stephan, Karin Witte
An exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg
Bild 1: Klaus Becker, Bedingt abhängiges Entstehen, 2010-2016, photo: Hayo Heye, © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2018
Bild 2: Wolfgang Block, Das Stricken meiner Mutter, 2017, photo: Hayo Heye
Bild 3: Mutter.form, installation view, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2018, photo: Hayo Heye, © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2018