Monday, 12 February 2018, 6 pm
Fair Play – Fair Pay
Priska Streit (artist/ expert on remuneration for exhibitions) on the necessity of remuneration for exhibitions and the way to its implementation
An event of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg (BBK Hamburg) taking place in the context of their annual exhibition
Priska Streit is going to elaborate on the facts behind the demand for remuneration for exhibitions and present promising ways to its implementation. She is of the opinion that, from an economic point of view, a remuneration for exhibitions of visual artists is indispensable.
Her argumentation is based on the results of a survey of the Professional Association of Visual Artists (BBK) on the economic situation of visual artists in 2016 (Dr. sc. Eckhard Priller). With the Leitlinie Ausstellungsvergütung (guideline for the remuneration of exhibitions), the basis for negotiations for a fair remuneration, which considers both the interests of artists and exhibition venues, was laid in 2014.
Priska Streit’s talk is going to cover current political reactions to the demands and discuss examples from our neighbouring countries in comparison.
Priska Streit is a visual artist and expert on the topic of remuneration for exhibitions. Since 2011, she has been active on behalf of the improvement of the economic situation of visual artists. She is the author of Richtlinie zur Ausstellungsvergütung für bildedne Künstler in Sachsen (Guideline for the remuneration for exhibitions of visual artists in Saxony). Form 2013 until 2017, she was a member of the federal board of the BBK and the project leader of a publication on the topic. In this context, she has participated in an international meeting of European representatives for artists in Sweden.
Priska Streit studied Sculpture at Minerva Art Academy, Groningen and completed her degree with a Master of Fine Arts from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee, Great Britain. With her sculptures, objects and installations, she looks into the various forms of individuality in society.