Captions see below
Bewerberinnen und Bewerber für das Arbeitsstipendium für bildende Kunst der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg 2019
hosted by Kunsthaus Hamburg
11 December – 6 January 2019
Opening: Monday, 10 December 2018, 7 pm
Speaker: Jana Schiedek (Councillor of state, Hamburg)
Anna Nowak (Kunsthaus Hamburg)
Following: Performances by Rosanna Graf, Mona Hermann, Tintin Patrone
Guided tour
Thursday, 20 December 2018, 6 pm
Closing event
Sunday, 6 January 2019
3 pm: Guided tour
4 pm: Performances by Rosanna Graf, Tanja Nis-Hansen, Tintin Patrone
Karimah Ashadu, Nicl Barbro, Gerrit Frohne-Brinkmann, Rosanna Graf, Maik Gräf, Willy Hans, Mona Hermann, Farideh Jamshidi, Tilman Junghans, Magdalena Los, Marko Mijatovic, Tanja Nis-Hansen, Tintin Patrone, Fion Pellacini, Judith Rau, Christian Rothmaler, Pablo Schlumberger, Nicolaas Schmidt, Saskia Senge, Goscha Steinhauer, Felix Thiele
For the sustainable promotion of visual arts, the Ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg awards ten visual artists from Hamburg a grant each year. This year, 25 nominees are presenting their works in a large-scale exhibition at the Kunsthaus Hamburg. The show provides a current overview of the continuously developing artistic production in the city.
The grants 2019 go to:
Gerrit Frohne-Brinkmann, Mona Hermann, Farideh Jamshidi, Magdalena Los, Marko Mijatovic, Fion Pellacini, Judith Rau, Pablo Schlumberger, Goscha Steinhauer und Saskia Senge
For the duration of the exhibition, Rosanna Graf is going to take over the Kunsthaus’s Instagram account. Her posts can be found with the hashtags #nominees, #hamburgartgrants and #kunsthaushamburg.
A project of the
Photo 1: Nominees, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2018, Foto: Hayo Heye
Photo 2: Nominees, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2018, Foto: Hayo Heye
Photo 3: Nominees, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2018, Foto: Hayo Heye
Photo 4: Nominees, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2018, Foto: Hayo Heye
Photo 5: Nominees, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2018, Foto: Hayo Heye
Photo 6: Nominees, Installationview, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2018, Foto: Hayo Heye