Sunday, 13 November 2016, 3.30 pm
Channel Sundays – Hans-Jörg Pochmann
hosted by Kunsthaus Hamburg
The event will be in German language.
What does it mean to be literally out of touch with the ›stuff‹ which bears the digital objects we – permanently and casually – swipe, click, load up and down, and drag&drop? [The Tinder-profile, the news-site, the song on Spotify, the tweet, the photo on Instagram, the Tumblr-feed, the Pokémon.]
What kind of thing is a smartphone, really?
The topic of the afternoon with Hans-Jörg Pochmann is the materiality of digital media and the thingness of its machines. He will introduce his artistic practice, which he describes as an applied design critique, and talk about its theoretical underpinnings.
Through questioning the sustaining support of digital objects – the actual inscriptions and material information of the computer – he tries to grapple with the metaphysics of the digital sphere.
Hans-Jörg Pochmann (*1984) lives and works in Berlin. He studied typography at the Academy of Fine Art Leipzig (Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst), and holds an MPhil in Printmaking from the Royal College of Art London.
Channel Sundays is a series of seven public events, for artistic exchange and experimentation that takes place independently from the exhibitions at Kunsthaus Hamburg. Each session will host the work of one or two artists on a Sunday afternoon. The series is initiated by Joscha Schell and originally took place in his studio in Harburg. In October and November 2016 the events will be hosted by Kunsthaus Hamburg. Channel Sundays is made possible by the kind support of the Cultural Department of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.