1: Ellen Sturm, Listening To Earth, 2020, Foto: Victor Anderson, Mexiko/Schweden, VG Bildkunst, Bonn
2 –4: stay. strong. resilient., installation view, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2021, photo: Hayo Heye, VG Bildkunst, Bonn
stay. strong. resilient.
Annual exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg
Kunsthaus Hamburg
22 January – 27 February 2022
Welcome speech by Bianca Müllner (Vorstand BBK Hamburg)
Jared Bartz, Wolfgang Block, Kerstin Bruchhäuser, Anne Dingkuhn,
Simone Fezer, Satenik Ghulijanyan, Sakir Gökcebag, Gerten Goldbeck,
Anna Goldmund, Farideh Jamshidi, Susanne Mewing,
Penny Monogiou & Lucas Betz, Jens Rausch, Jana Schumacher,
Annett Stenzel, Ellen Sturm-Loeding, Katja Windau
The annual exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists stay. strong. resilient. asks about the phenomenon of resilience, its origins, its effects, its potentials. As a key word, the term encompasses different dimensions of (human) resistance and adaptability to external stimuli and influencing factors. How do people deal with crisis(es)? How is individual crisis management negotiated in the social sphere? What local or global forces are co-determining this? The Covid-19-pandemic has drastically highlighted existing inequalities and related challenges on different socio-political and geo-political levels: from asymmetric access conditions in health care to gender-specific disadvantages and physical as well as mental insecurity. The artistic works address personal and collective vulnerability, physical and psychological limits, as well as social and ecological power structures. Does resilience open up the possibility of reducing social inequalities or does it rather manifest the status quo? And is resilience ultimately symptom or cure?
An exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg. Curated by Ann-Kathrin Hubrich & Ina Jessen
Accompanying programme
Guided tours
Thursday, 27 January 2022, 6 pm
Sunday, 13 February 2022, 3 pm
Book presentation: ProKunsT6
Thursday, 3 February 2022, 6:30 pm (online)
Presentation and Talk with Marcel Noack (Co-chairman, BBK Bundesverband)
Moderation: Bianca Müllner
The BBK compendium ProKunsT6 – Handbuch Bildende Kunst was published in October 2021 as an updated 6th edition and for the first time as a digital publication.
Book release POSITION. 2.0
Tuesday, 15 February 2022, 6 – 9 pm (online)
with Carsten Rabe (Kurator POSITION.)
Moderation: Bianca Müllner
Performance: Am Abgrund
with Anna Goldmund and Nika Kushnir
Tuesday, 22 February 2022, 6 pm | Pubic rehearsal at 4 pm
The short film “Opfer und Leid” was created in collaboration with the artist Anna Goldmund. It is based on her performance “Am Abgrund”, in the context of the exhibition “stay. strong. resilient.” at Kunsthaus Hamburg. Click here.