Carolin Beyer „On Foot“, Acryl auf Leinwand, 40×60 cm, 2022, © Manfred Wigger | Jasmin Hantl „Goldröschen“, Hatovit, Wachs, Leim, Puder, 30x30x23 cm, 2015, ©Jasmin Hantl | Hans-Jürgen Trams „Terapoden“, Aquarell und Gouache, 20,3×25,3 cm, 2018, ©Ursula Trams | Mitglieder des Kuratorinnen-Teams bei der Vorbereitung der Ausstellung mit einer Auswahl von Ausdrucken der eingereichten knapp 200 Arbeiten von Hamburger BBK-Mitgliedern, Nov 2022
Guided tours
Thursday, 23/02 2023, 5 pm
Sunday, 26/02 2023, 2 pm
Sunday, 12/03 2023, 2 pm
4 February – 12 March 2023
This year’s annual exhibition JETZT: ALLE features more artwork than ever before and breaks with established jury work. There is neither a set theme nor a pre-selection. A team of nine members of the professional association has decided to exhibit what their colleagues want to show. Thus, a wide spectrum of artistic positions from painting, photography, graphics, object and video can be seen. Nearly 160 artists who have responded to the call “JETZT: ALLE” will be represented with their works.
In its 75th anniversary year, BBK Hamburg honors the artistic work of its 600 members. The jury team promotes lively exchange and has developed an extensive supporting program: Short film night, portrait action, artists meal, performance and discussion events provide diverse opportunities for encounters at Kunsthaus Hamburg.
Supported by Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien.
An exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg