Sunday, 27 November 2016, 3.30 pm
Channel Sundays – Nika Son – mnemonic string
hosted by Kunsthaus Hamburg
A reciprocal glow at the edge of the retina, a confused bleeping in the cochlea – in the last episode of Channel Sundays Nika Son presents a noisy sketch in space.
mnemonic string is a performance: an ensemble of objects, devices, people and sounds that linger in the dark, take shape and disappear. The visual elements only materialize when touched by light, whereas the sound moves more freely, insubstantially. It eludes the mise-en-scène, plays with coincidences and shapes its own way through space.
One’s attention is held by the echoes of sensory perception, (dis)orientation, repetition, reverberation and its dispersion. How do perceptions link up in space? Which memories are shared by both eye and ear? Can sound bristle? – And what on earth does cranstrikzss mean?
Nika Breithaupt alias Nika Son (*1981) originally studied painting at the art academy in Bremen, before transfering to HFBK Hamburg and finally graduating predominantly as a sound artist and musician in 2012. She lives and works in Hamburg.
Channel Sundays is a series of seven public events, for artistic exchange and experimentation that takes place independently from the exhibitions at Kunsthaus Hamburg. Each session will host the work of one or two artists on a Sunday afternoon. The series is initiated by Joscha Schell and originally took place in his studio in Harburg. In October and November 2016 the events will be hosted by Kunsthaus Hamburg. Channel Sundays is made possible by the kind support of the Cultural Department of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.