Artist talk: Melanie Bonajo with Chus Martínez

Meet the artist: Anne Duk Hee Jordan about her works for the exhibition MAKING KIN

[in English]

Trailer: Night Soil – Fake Paradise
from Melanie Bonajo

Balz Isler Covidental Room Kunsthaus

Documentation of the exhibition AH HUMANITY!

[Only available in German language]

Trailer: Caniba from Véréna Paravel & Lucien Castaing-Taylor

Trailer: somniloquies from Véréna Paravel & Lucien Castaing-Taylor

Author reading with Dagrun Hintze

Only available in German language

Lecture Performance: On Numbers and their Shadows mit Shuddhabrata Sengupta (Raqs Media Collective)

Artist talk: Admire Kamudzengerere and Helena Wittmann

Lecture Performance: Red-Black Thread (Slavs and Tatars)

Recording provided by the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden – the event took place in the same form in the context of the exhibition hybrID at the Kunsthaus Hamburg.

I, too, part II: Was ist Kunst wert?

Only available in German language