Photos: Lila-Zoé Krauß
[After her Destruction]

Installations views: Lila-Zoé Krauß – [After her Destruction], Kunsthaus Hamburg 2024, Photos: Antje Sauer

Photos Sam Vernon

Installation views Sam Vernon – Alter-Reservoir, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2024, Courtesy the artist, Photos: Antje Sauer

Photos Jakob Spengemann, Akinori Tao

Image 1, 2, 6: Installation view Jakob Spengemann, Akinori Tao – While We’re Gone, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2024, Photo: Antje Sauer
Image 3: Akinori Tao, Sandschloss, 2024 and Tanzsaal, 2024, Photo: Antje Sauer
Image 4: Jakob Spengemann, Verse_#1, 2024, Photo: Antje Sauer
Image 5: Akinori Tao, Ich bin gleich wieder da, 2021/24, Photo: Antje Sauer
Image 7: Akinori Tao, Banaschlange, 2019/24, Photo: Antje Sauer
Image 8: Jakob Spengemann, Front of House (detail), 2024, Photo: Antje Sauer
Image 9: Akinori Tao, Fünfte Hilfe Kasten, 2023, Photo: Antje Sauer
Image 10, 11:
Jakob Spengemann, Akinori Tao, Ein 1,- €, 2024, Photo: Antje Sauer

Images ANDERE VERHÄLTNISSE Annual exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg (BBK)

Installation views Andere Verhältnisse: Annual exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Hamburg (BBK), Kunsthaus Hamburg 2024, Photos: Antje Sauer
Image 1: Kai Brüninghaus, Diffusionisten – a time capsule beyond reality, 2023; Image 2: Miriam Breig, ohne Titel, 2020; Image 4: Janine Gerber, Papier Raumkörper, 2022, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024; Bojana Fuzinato, “Privat und/oder Öffentlich”, 2023; Jared Bartz, Fructus regularis, 2023; Image 5: Vivi Linnemann, Seeing Green, 2023, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024; Anna Bochkova, Alien Commitment, 2023
